Playing Among Us Hide and Seek is different from the usual Among Us. In the latter, you’d be reminded of the late wrestler Eddie Guerrero’s mantra – “I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal”. Although, only you can replace the end with “I Kill”. This game is all about completing various tasks and looking for the impostor. It could be you or it could be someone else and your roles also depend on that fact.
Aside from that, you could be looking for ways to sabotage the mission (you and the other players are the crew of a spaceship, after all). On the other hand, you could be actively looking for the impostor. All while trying to make sure the ship stays in one piece.
But if you’re bored of the same gameplay over and over again, there’s one way to spice it up. You can play common Hide and Seek in the virtual game. It’s all made possible by making custom rules and gaining permission and agreements from the other players. This new twist is simple yet very entertaining. You and your friends will definitely have a lot of fun playing it. Moreover, this will make you love Among Us more.
Before anything else, let’s give you some quick reminders. When you’ve gotten your settings in place, it’s time to list down the players. You need to ask players first-hand if they want to play this format. It’s important that you get players who won’t be against playing Among Us without the usual “boot out or be killed” gameplay. Moreover, it will ruin the game if someone played the game differently. Once you’ve found them, all you need to do is to orient them in how to play Hide and Seek.
How to Play the Game
Without further ado, let’s get started on the gameplay of Among Us Hide and Seek. Although you would still be playing in the game app, the rules are different. That’s why it was mentioned earlier that informing players of this new format is important. Doing so will avoid any confusion during the game.
The game begins with the impostor calling an Emergency Meeting. In this case, the Emergency Meeting should be an imposition of expectations. Everyone should be informed of who to avoid, which is the “It” in this game. This also sets which players should hide – in this case, the ones that the “It” should look for.
In most cases, the impostor is ideal as the “It”. As to why, it would be explained better later. For now, the players – crewmates – should pick the best spots to hide in. Once everyone’s hidden, the Impostor can wait in the initial spawning point – the Cafeteria – until everyone is confirmed hidden. Then the hunting begins.
After the countdown is finished, the impostor can start hunting everyone. But first, they must sabotage the lights. Then, start looking for everyone that’s hidden. Once the impostor finds the hidden crewmate, the crewmate gets killed. When the last crewmate is killed, that’s the time when the game’s over and reset for one more round.
Hide and Seek can be played in a variety of ways. You don’t always have to kill the people hiding, but that’s the easiest way to go about it. Tweak the rules to adjust to the preference of your friends and play the game you want. For you to have fun the way you want is the most important thing. Meanwhile, you can also watch videos on YouTube to see how the most popular channels do this “mini-game”.
Among Us Hide & Seek Recommended Settings
In Among Us Hide and Seek, it’s about hiding, escaping, and killing. Moreover, there will be no deception and no lying, just plain skills. It’s definitely worth trying out as a flavor breaker. But before that, let’s get to know how to tweak the game’s settings properly. Doing so will help you enjoy the game more.
To start, this is a fan-created game mode played within the Among Us frame of gameplay. In it, the impostor is allowed to be in the open, while players can discuss things freely. Crewmates will have to instead hide and run here as the impostor finds them. Meanwhile, they have the challenge to finish their chores. Otherwise, risk leaving these undone as the Impostor offs them. The one who completes the most tasks or survives as the last player to be killed wins.
We’ve compiled the list of recommended settings here. This will allow you to recreate the game to focus on the impostor “tagging” all of the players. Players can choose the settings that go big for them. However, a basic setting always has been leaving the tasks short to complete. It would be hard to have long tasks here. Which is why this is the recommended setting:
- Impostors (leave to 1)
- Crewmate Vision (leave at 1.5x)
- Impostor Vision (leave at 0.25x)
- Kill Cooldown (leave at 10 seconds)
- Kill Distance (leave at Short)
- Common Tasks (leave at 0)
- Long Tasks (leave at 0)
- Short Tasks (leave at 4)
This setup allows for the crewmates not to simply hide, but complete challenging tasks. Especially knowing there’s a killer on the loose looking out for them. With this setting, only one crewmate will be left to win and will be left alive.
If you choose another setting, however, here’s another look at how you should play the game. Keep these in mind when you’re trying to create a setting in the game.
It is important that the impostor sabotage the lights to put a challenge in the game. It also gives them away as the round starts.
Things to Consider Before Playing
The impostor should give the crewmates a head start to run away. It’s like in real life hide and seek, where the “it” counts to a certain number before looking for the players.
- Even the impostor is free to talk at any time, as well as the crewmates. Just don’t say where you are!
- Seeing dead bodies is normal in this game mode, so no need to report them.
- If the lights are sabotaged, they should stay sabotaged, as it adds to the challenge.
- Since no dead bodies are being reported, no one should hold an emergency meeting.
- The impostor should only sabotage the lights. Beyond that, all systems should remain normal.
Once the game mode is set-up, players can try to tweak different settings. They could fix the vision of the crewmates or even hinder the impostor’s vision further for more challenging gameplay. It all depends on which gameplay you consider fun, so why not try it out now?
The Six Best Spots in Among Us Hide and Seek
There’s a great chance for impostors-turned-crewmates in Among Us. If you’ve been hiding, then you’ll know the spots where you can look for hiding crewmates. It’s great to at least know some of the possible hiding places. This is possible when you’re pretending to be a crewmate. Also, when you’re out to sabotage the operations and to kill unseen in the main game.
The tables will inevitably shift in Among Us Hide and Seek play. Where you’ll see the benefit of knowing the right places to hide. If you’re not an Impostor, you get the benefit of knowing where to go, what to do, and how to hide properly. That’s how you become the remaining survivor in Hide and Seek gameplay.
There are three different maps in Among Us – The MIRA HQ, Polus, and The Skeld. Be reminded that to play effectively here, you shouldn’t wear any fanciful hat costumes. You should also keep your name visibility down low. A single letter or a symbol would do. Now, on to the Hiding spots:
Comms Room (The Skeld)
It’s a place where there is a chair that you can hide behind. While it may not work for experienced crewmates, new and learning crewmates would be easily tricked by this. The chair plays a trick on the eyes that your victims would not see you until it’s too late. You sabotage something when playing regular Among Us gameplay but don’t have to do much when you’re playing Hide and Seek.
Behind the Reactor (The Skeld)
All those lights in the Reactor Room can benefit you if you know where to position yourself. Again, it plays a trick on the eyes – you’re lucky if you get the white color here. Blend in with the lights and watch your opponents waltz in like there’s no one. Works great as well if you’re trying to hide in Hide and Seek.
Behind the Satellite, Balcony (Mira HQ)
The Satellite dish isn’t just great for design – it’s also a good hiding place. This is one of the more effective hiding spaces, especially since you can’t be seen behind the Dish. If you’re going for the kill in a regular game, you can hide in the vent nearby. It’s also a useful hiding place when you’re playing Hide and Seek.
Behind the Storage Shelf (Mira HQ)
It’s another nice hiding place that only requires great positioning and timing. You need to move behind the shelf once you manage to walk into the room. Next, you must remain dormant when another player happens to walk in. Works great for both normal and Hide and Seek gameplay.
The Satellite Tower (Polus)
Like all the other hiding places, this is one of those where great positioning is key. You have to align your body with the space hidden by the satellite dish. If you don’t position yourself properly, you’ll only end up giving yourself away. You’ll find this tower when you move towards the south-west of Storage.
Asteroid Shooter (Polus)
In the Polus area, the Asteroid Shooter is pretty easy to find. It’s that tower with the guns that are used to shoot incoming asteroids. It offers a great hiding space as it’s wide enough to hide your body. Another great hiding place for both normal and Hide and Seek gameplay.
Most of the hiding places offered here rely on great sleight of hand. It requires knowledge of the landscape, and skill on your part as well. Remember to keep your presence – as well as your name – to a minimum if you want to keep yourself from being seen!